Octogenarian Boogy, High School Reunions and Motorbikes

Wow, what a weekend. I don't even know where to begin, other than to say I passed out last night without watching my usual Sunday night line up. Pathetic I know, but the blissful sleep and On-Demand made it all worth it.
The weekend was absolutely worth the sleep deprivation. Friday night, my close friend Lauren and I headed out to The Taste of the North End and danced the night away. The irony is that the only people with the guts enough to ask us to dance, were in their 80s. But, these guys could cut a rug better than most able-bodied men half their age! To top the evening off, I ran into one of my good friends from high school and his new wife. Lauren and I eventually hobbled home wearily at around 1am (you try dancing in heels), and were so relieved by the sweet cool feel of the grass between our toes (yes, we walked home barefoot).
Despite the late night festivities, I still got up early (the joys of having a dog), and took Murphy for his morning walk. I had brunch with Lauren, her husband and one of our friends who was in Boston while on a brief train layover. We supped at the South Street Diner, which was the perfect place to soak up the residual alcohol intake from the previous night. Of course, I had another night of festivities planned with some of my cast mates and friends at the Red Fez in the South End.

Even though I was exhausted on Sunday, my good friend Ashley called me up and we spent a delightful afternoon cruising on his motorcycle through Walden Pond, Concord, Sudbury, Acton and the environs. I know it's dangerous, but the adrenaline-junky, thrill-seeker in me loves nothing more than the joys of being on a motorcycle.
All in all, I came away from this weekend with warm, gushy, thank god for good friends feeling.
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