Bennifer, Part II

Another crazy weekend, and three days have already passed since my last entry. It was the first time in a LONG time that we Bostonians actually saw the sun. . . Yes! The sun made an appearance and it was - here it comes - warm! I certainly was going to spend ZERO time indoor - it was time to Carpe Sol!
Friday night was spent with my friends in the "Hood". We started the evening off at the North Street Grille and eventually ended up at Tiernens. The next morning, I woke up to birds singing and the glorious, delightful, yummy sun peeking through my window - Can you tell I've missed it? Murphy was antsy for his morning walk, so off we went. I went to Starbucks (no comments please) for my java infusion and had another star sighting. Jennifer Garner and her little baby happened to be departing 'bucks right in front of me, and thanks to Murphy's cutenes, we actually struck a conversation. I have to say, she was much more cordial than her husband, Mr. Affleck who I ran into only a few short weeks beforehand (who practically growled at me).
After my brush with fame, I was all "girlie" and joined my friend Audra for her wedding gown fitting. She looked fabulicious in it. She has already lost so much weight for her wedding, we officially ended her diet by feasting on some yummy pizza at Reginas. The highligh of the day was when we got the call that Matt Black, one of the best guys I know, won his race for the North End Waterfront Neighborhood Council. We (me and all my "hoodies") spent the rest of the day celebrating Matt's win with cheap champagne and beer on one of the reveler's roofdeck.
Oof...You will no doubt be suprised when I tell you that I actually spent Sunday relaxing (*gasp*), and cleaning (*yuck*). I did stop in to visit a friend who was moving, and as is the custom, am spending my Sunday evening with my best friend, my sister.'s 9pm...time for Sopranos.
Why does Ben frowling not surprise me...was the baby at least cute?
2:00 PM
The baby was adorable...she had these chubby cheeks that you just wanted to pinch. Definitely takes after her mother.
2:29 PM
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
10:26 PM
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