Sox Fever

Normally I am not a huge sports junkie. The one sport I do follow though is baseball (and to some extent hockey). I mean, how can one live in Boston and call themselves a true Beantowner without loving the Red Sox. As a rule, I am not one to sit and watch an entire game (unless of course it's the playoffs or better yet, the World Series). But, when my friend Heather scored two behind-the-home-plate tickets and offered one up to me, I couldn't pass it up.
So, last night we schlepped on over to Fenway Park to go watch the Sox play Tampa. We were both a little worse for the wear after our Friday night bachelorette party (it was very tame mind you), and frankly, neither of were too sure that we would last the entire game. When we arrived, however, that all changed. The energy at the stadium was invigorating (and it was completely packed) and I couldn't believe the amazing, unobstructed view that we had from our seats. Schilling pitched the game, so the audience was on fire every time he ambled up to the mound and struck out a hapless Floridian. Ortiz hit some beauties, and there was lots of scoring going on. A reluctant Heather and I sang along to "Take Me Out To the Ball Game" and "Sweet Caroline" and ate over-priced peanuts (yummy). Before we knew it, the game was over!
All in all, it was a great time. It completely reminded me why baseball is still one of this country's favorite past-times. (Thanks for the invite H!)
that was so much fun!! Wait until you hear what happened after the game!
Ghad, I hate pictures!
8:16 PM
thats funny - My friend and I were just talking about the NY vs. Boston rivalry - she is a NY native living in Hawai'i for a brief time, and feins (sp) to like baseball for her now ex-bf so I quized her on the NY Boston rivalry.
11:58 PM
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
10:26 PM
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