
Snakes on a Plane - They Have Finally Landed

After a long, long, and patient wait, Snakes on a Plane is finally being released! This film promises to be the ultimate cheese-fest, but I am looking forward to the festering, putrid smell - bring it on!

There is a small gang of us planning to see the film next Sunday, the 20th at 4:15 at the Loews on Tremont Street. So, come one, come all.

Hey, if the movie sucks, the after-movie dinner promises to be a real hoot!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The movie is supposed to suck. It is actually TRYING to suck. Therein lies its sheer brilliance. Long live camp!

Also, I am afraid that I misquoted Samuel L. earlier. The correct quote is “I had it with these mutha#$%@in snakes on this mutha#$%!in plane” not “There are mutha…” My sincere apologies.

Get ready to Enjoy the Fright...

2:15 PM

Blogger irshal said...

Ok - the movie was bloody brilliant. GO SEE IT!

1:51 PM


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