Murphy has only known life with another dog (his first buddy was a Boxer name Whiskey), and since Whiskey's departure he has been a bit forlorn and looking to me to be his constant playmate. After pondering this new addition for a couple of months, I finally decided it was time.
As you can see, Hunter is not a brand spankin' new puppy. She is in fact about 8 months old and will arrive already crate trained and house-broken. Thank God. As much as I enjoyed Murphy's puppy-days, I'd be lying if I said it didn't get really good until he was trained. Hence, when I began searching for Hunter, I knew I wanted and "older" dog.
Of course, I am a bit scared. I have had two dogs before, so the extra work doesn't frighten me (actually, it really isn't much more work to have a second fact, it can be easier because the two can keep each other occupied and challenged). What does frighten me are the unknowns - will Murphy and Hunter like each other? Will Hunter be as lovely as Murphy? I will not know until she arrives, although my conversations with her breeder and trainer lead me to believe that she will be the right fit.
We shall see - an update will be forthcoming upon Hunter's arrival in July!
ah how fun - sounds like a dating game haha - wow , I am curious now as to what happens - if hunter is anywhere as kewt as murphy, the two will be a great match hehe
I have to agree that the trained dogs are so much more relaxing to have in the long run - the puppy amusement wears out after awhile - such is the mirrors of human life ay?
7:05 AM
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