Snakes + Plane = Snakes on a Plane

I know, it sounds idiotic, but, believe it or not, "Snakes on Planes" is a movie coming soon to a theatre near you (August 2006 to be exact). The Vancouver-based "film" (and I use that term loosely), starring Samuel L. Jackson is currently in post-production and has already achieved cult status. I'm not kidding. The tag line is horrible ("Relax. They're first class fliers.") and the plot is even worse. The premise of the film is something like this: "On board a flight over the Pacific Ocean, an assassin, bent on killing a passenger who's a witness in protective custody, lets loose a crate full of deadly snakes." Sounds like an episode of Lost gone way wrong.
Because of the press the film has received, New Line Cinema decided to shoot additonal footage in L.A. to up the anemic PG-13 rating to a robust R rating. I wonder what they have added . . .
However, this movie has become a gulity pleasure. Ever since I read a wee article about it in Wired, I count myself among the idiotic throngs of people waiting for its release. Seriously, I want one of these Snakes on Planes T-Shirts. If you love me, you will buy me one ;) Do it. I mean it. I may even have a Snakes on Planes release party - watch this space...
Here are a couple of interesting links, if you are considering joining me in my lunacy:
- A Devoted Snakes on Planes Blog
- Snakes on Planes Try-Outs
- Movie Screen Shots
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